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Oil & gas company

Публичное акционерное общество Сургутнефтегаз. Одна из крупнейших нефтяных компаний России, активно развивающая секторы разведки и добычи нефти и газа, переработку газа и производство электроэнергии, нефтепродуктов

Vectorenergyatasu.kz (Vector Energy Atasu Refinery TOO)
Vector Energy Atasu Refinery TOO - Kazakhstan Oil and gas company Oil and gas company Oil and gas company

Sakakemang is a website dedicated to beauty and lifestyle, offering tips, tutorials, and product recommendations to help you look and feel your best.

Petrobras is a Brazilian multinational corporation in the petroleum industry specializing in exploration, production, refining, and distribution of oil and gas.

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