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Saurida.kz (Saurida Oil & Gas)

Trust score:5
saurida.kz registered 15 years ago

Saurida Oil & Gas desc

oil and gas services • energy solutions • oil and gas products


TOP 50000
Trust score:5
hydroquebec.com registered 28 years ago

Hydro-Québec est un grand fournisseur d’électricité qui mise sur les énergies propres et renouvelables. Découvrez les services offerts à la clientèle.

electricity provider • renewable energy • clean energy

QazaqPetrol (Qazaq Petroleum)

Trust score:3.6
qazaqpetrol.com registered 2 years ago

QazaqPetrol is a website dedicated to providing information and resources related to the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan.

oil and gas company • petroleum exploration • refining services

KSK Petroleum

Trust score:2.4
kskpetroleum.com registered a year ago

KSK Petroleum is a company that specializes in the exploration, production, and distribution of petroleum products.

oil and gas services • energy exploration • sustainability practices

Orbital and Oranges

Trust score:5
orbitalandoranges.com registered 10 years ago

A website dedicated to exploring the beauty of space and the deliciousness of oranges.

oil and gas consulting • oil and gas industry services • oil and gas optimization

Ecotricityenergy.ltd.com (Ecotricity Energy Ltd)

Trust score:3.6
ecotricityenergy.ltd.com registered N/A


renewable energy • green energy • sustainability • carbon footprint reduction

Saudi Aramco

Trust score:5
aramco.com registered 31 years ago

At Aramco, our behavior is what defines us - as a company, as employees, as people. Everything we do is anchored by our corporate values: citizenship, safety, accountability, excellence and integrity.

energy company • oil and gas • exploration • production • refining • distribution • marketing

Lumo-energy.ltd (Lumo Energy)

Trust score:0.1
lumo-energy.ltd registered a year ago

Lumo ENERGY is a leading UK-based renewable energy company offering a complete suite of renewable energy solutions.

energy provider • electricity services • gas services • Australia energy retailer

Kuwait Oil VIP (Kuwait Oil Company)

Trust score:0.1
kuwait-oil.vip registered 10 months ago

Kuwait Oil VIP is a website dedicated to providing information and updates on the oil industry in Kuwait. Stay informed about the latest news, developments, and trends in the Kuwaiti oil sector.

Kuwait Oil Company • Kuwait oil industry • Middle East oil production

National Grid

Trust score:5
nationalgrid.com registered 29 years ago

Our gas and electricity businesses in the US supply energy directly to customers.

energy provider • electricity supplier • gas utility company