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Only.Bible is a website dedicated to providing resources and information related to the Bible, including translations, study guides, and articles on various topics related to Christianity.

Recite Quran
Qur'an with word by word & Tajweed recitation, audio translations, memorizing tools, and multiple learning tools for beginner & advanced students.

Quransunna.net (Quran Sunnah)
quransunna.net is a website dedicated to providing resources and information related to the Quran and Sunnah in Islam.

Surah Quran
المحصف الشريف ( قراءة - ترجمة - إعراب - تفسير ) | قراءة القرآن الكريم مكتوب - ترجمة المصحف -إعراب القرآن و تفسيره

Knowledge Base (ChurchDev)
A website dedicated to providing information and resources on various topics related to church development.

Bible Study Planet
We created this site to help get people reading their Bibles.

Ascension Gospel
Ascension Gospel is a website dedicated to sharing spiritual teachings and guidance on the path to personal growth and enlightenment.

Orthodox Epubsoc (Orthodox Educational Society)
Orthodox Epubsoc is a website dedicated to providing Orthodox Christian publications and resources for spiritual growth and education.

Refmogospeldoctrine.blogspot.com (The Mormon Community Gospel Doctrine)
A blog about gospel doctrine teachings