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University of Liverpool
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University of Ulm
Forschungsstarke, junge Universität mit über 10 000 Studierenden in Medizin und MINT-Fächern inmitten der Wissenschaftsstadt Ulm.

Southern New Hampshire University
Flexible. Affordable. And achievable. SNHU offers 200+ career-focused programs to more than 100,000 students online and on our 300-acre campus.

Sky & Telescope
The essential guide to astronomy

University of Eastern Finland
Hyvällä tieteellä on tekijänsä.

Central Michigan University
CMU is a public research university in Michigan that offers degree programs in Mount Pleasant, online and locations across North America. Est. 1892.

Weber State University
Weber State University prides itself on being one of the best colleges in Utah, providing accessible educational opportunities, high-quality degrees and actively engaging in the community.

Bangor University
Bangor University is steeped in history and offers excellent teaching. We're renowned for our world-leading research and our lecturers are experts in their field.

Victoria University
Victoria University (VU) has campuses across Melbourne, and in Sydney and Brisbane. Set yourself up for success with the VU Block Model®, TAFE to degree pathways and leading postgraduate studies.

Universidade de Brasília
A Universidade de Brasília é uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior brasileira. Pública e gratuita, oferta ensino de qualidade, desenvolve pesquisas de ponta e retorna investimentos à sociedade em forma de extensão.