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Education & learning
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Tech IPVC (Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo)
Trust score:5
tech.ipvc.pt registered N/A
Tech IPVC is a website dedicated to providing information and resources related to technology and innovation at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo in Portugal.
technology education • IPVC courses • tech programs

TOP 10000
Trust score:5
Trustedtechopedia.com registered 22 years ago
The Techopedia mission is to help you better understand technology, and make better decisions in the fields of IT, Tech, and Crypto.
IT technology • cryptocurrency • tech education

Raspberry Pi
TOP 5000
Trust score:5
Trustedraspberrypi.org registered 16 years ago
We are a charity with the mission to enable young people to realise their full potential through the power of computing and digital technologies.
Raspberry Pi • Raspberry Pi projects • Raspberry Pi tutorials

Inventr.io (Inventr)
Trust score:5
inventr.io registered 6 years ago
Make Something Meaningful
invention kits • electronics • technology • creativity • innovation

TOP 50000
Trust score:5
Trustedhmhco.com registered 18 years ago
An education technology company, HMH is a leading provider of K–12 core, supplemental, intervention, and professional learning solutions that unlock students’ potential.
education technology • K-12 solutions • professional learning