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DxOMark is a website that provides detailed reviews and ratings of cameras and lenses, as well as smartphone cameras, based on rigorous testing and analysis.

Experts Exchange
Get access to a community of experts who can help you solve technical problems, stay up-to-date on the latest technologies, and advance your career.

Brilliant.tech (Brilliant Tech)
Transform any house or apartment into an easy-to-use smart home with the Brilliant Smart Home System. We make Home Controls, Light Switches, and Smart Plugs.

Hack Distribution (Hackdistribution)
Hack Distribution is a website that provides information and resources related to hacking and cybersecurity.

MacHollywood specializes in Wacom Cintiqs, External drives, Mac Repairs, Rentals, New & Used Cintiqs & Macs in Los Angeles, CA. Friendly service all day everyday. 323-957-9557.

Scanmarker pen scanners can scan printed text directly into any device while edit and read aloud in real-time and translate in more than 100 languages. Scanmarker is an assistive technology tool for reading while customize reading text and voice is ideal for special education and ESL students.

Thermo is a website that offers a wide range of thermometers and temperature monitoring solutions for various industries and applications.

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

Cool Hunting
COOL HUNTING™ uncovers the latest intersections of design, culture and technology. Curiosity fuels our ongoing quest for the discovery of true inspiration.

You’ve never seen everything like this before.