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Trust score:5
pit.pl registered 25 years ago

Informacje o podatkach - Kalkulatory, wskaźniki podatkowe, zasady księgowości, kruczki prawne, poradniki dla początkujących księgowych i przedsiębiorców. Największy w Polsce portal dotyczący podatków

tax portal • tax information • tax calculators • legal guidelines

Gib.gov.tr (Revenue Administration of Turkey)

Trust score:5
gib.gov.tr registered 19 years ago

The official website of the Revenue Administration of Turkey, providing information and services related to taxation and revenue collection in the country.

taxation • revenue administration • tax compliance

State Tax Service of Ukraine

TOP 50000
Trust score:5
tax.gov.ua registered N/A

Official website of the State Tax Service of Ukraine providing information and services related to taxation in Ukraine.

taxation in Ukraine • Ukrainian tax laws • tax compliance in Ukraine

Www39.receita.fazenda.gov.br (Receita Federal)

Trust score:5
www39.receita.fazenda.gov.br registered N/A

taxes • Brazilian revenue service • tax laws

RFB (Receita Federal do Brasil)

TOP 50000
Trust score:5
rfb.gov.br registered 14 years ago

The official website of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service, providing information and services related to taxes, customs, and other fiscal matters in Brazil.

taxation • Brazilian taxes • tax collection • tax laws

Vero.fi (Finnish Tax Administration (Verohallinto))

Trust score:5
vero.fi registered 26 years ago

Verohallinto kerää suurimman osan Suomen veroista ja veronluonteisista maksuista.

taxation • Finnish taxes • tax payments

South African Revenue Service

TOP 50000
Trust score:5
sars.gov.za registered N/A

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is the tax collecting agency of the South African government, responsible for administering and enforcing tax laws in the country.

taxation • revenue collection • tax compliance

Tax.gov.ir (Iran National Tax Administration)

TOP 50000
Trust score:4.3
tax.gov.ir registered N/A

The official website for tax-related information and services in Iran.

taxation • tax collection • tax compliance • Iran taxes


TOP 50000
Trust score:5
ndflka.ru registered 12 years ago

Налоговый вычет за 7 дней с НДФЛкой вместо 4 месяцев от налоговой, не выходя из дома. Рассказываем, какие документы нужны, чтобы оформить вычет и вернуть часть НДФЛ, какие бывают виды вычетов. Готовим и подаем декларацию, гарантируем получение денег.

taxation in Russia • personal income tax • tax filing assistance


Trust score:5
iras.gov.sg registered 28 years ago

Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is the Government agency responsible for the administration of taxes and enterprise disbursement schemes.

taxation • Singapore taxes • tax filing • tax refunds