Galaxus.ch Reviews
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Galaxus.ch Overview
Galaxus.ch is an online retailer in Switzerland offering a wide range of products including electronics, home goods, fashion, and more.
![Screenshot of galaxus.ch homepage](https://www.2trust.io/image/scr/galaxus.ch.webp)
Galaxus is pretty much everything you need in an online shop.
Galaxus.ch Hosting and Technical Data
Hosting contact:
Akamai Technologies, Inc. is a global content delivery network (CDN) and cloud services provider headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Galaxus.ch WhoIs Details
Galaxus.ch trends
This chart displays the visitor traffic trends for Galaxus over the last month. It offers a clear view of galaxus.ch's recent popularity, underscoring any notable fluctuations or trends in the number of visitors. This data is crucial for assessing the website's current online presence and user engagement.