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Instajob.ai Reviews

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Trust score:3.6

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Instajob.ai Overview

Instajob.ai is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to match job seekers with suitable job opportunities based on their skills and preferences.

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Screenshot of instajob.ai homepage


Find high-paying jobs near you ASAP on instajob. Upload your resume and start your career today. 100% chance of getting an interview. Find perfect hires on instajob. Thousands of qualified candidates are waiting for you. Employers, please don't hesitate and prepare your offers.



Instajob is a revolutionary company that connects job seekers with high-paying opportunities in their area. With Instajob, you can upload your resume and start your career today with a 100% chance of getting an interview. Employers can also find perfect hires on Instajob, as thousands of qualified candidates are waiting to be matched with the right job. Don't hesitate, employers - prepare your offers and find your next star employee on Instajob!

job search platform
high-paying jobs
qualified candidates


  • Resume Upload

    Users can upload their resumes on Instajob to start their job search and career journey.


  • Job Matching

    Instajob uses AI technology to match job seekers with suitable job openings based on their skills and qualifications.

  • Candidate Screening

    Employers can screen and review qualified candidates on Instajob before making their hiring decisions.

collected by zee bot

Instajob.ai Hosting and Technical Data


AS45102 Alibaba (US) Technology Co., Ltd.
Time zone

Hosting contact:

No.699 Wangshang RD. Hangzhou China
About hosting

Alibaba (US) Technology Co., Ltd., also known as AS45102, is a subsidiary of the Chinese multinational technology company Alibaba Group. The company is based in the United States and is primarily focused on providing technology services and solutions to customers in North America.

AS45102 is a leading provider of cloud computing, e-commerce, and digital payment services. The company offers a wide range of products and services, including web hosting, data storage, and online marketplace platforms. AS45102 also provides software development and consulting services to help businesses improve their online presence and digital capabilities.

Instajob.ai WhoIs Details

Creation Date
Expiration Date

Instajob.ai trends

38 173-3 991

This chart illustrates the traffic trends for the Instajob.ai over the past month, based on the amount of visitors during this period.
The data provides a snapshot of the instajob.ai current popularity, highlighting any significant changes or patterns in visitor numbers. This information is valuable for understanding the site's current standing in terms of online presence and user engagement.

instajob.ai Traffic trends

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