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Les Imprimantes 3D

Les Imprimantes 3D Reviews

Trust score:5

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Les Imprimantes 3D Overview

Lesimprimantes3d.fr is a website dedicated to providing information and resources about 3D printers, including reviews, tutorials, and news in the world of 3D printing.

Screenshot of lesimprimantes3d.fr homepage

Les Imprimantes 3D

Actualité, test, comparatif, prix, toute l'impression 3D est sur Les Imprimantes 3D .fr, le site de référence pour imprimante 3D, scanner 3D et logiciel 3D.
Mar, 09 2013
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Les Imprimantes 3D est une entreprise spécialisée dans les imprimantes 3D, les scanners 3D et les logiciels 3D.

3D printers
3D scanners
3D software
3D printing


This website has been active for several years, usually a reassuring sign. The longevity of a website often implies legitimacy. However, the age of a website is no absolute safeguard. Scammers sometimes buy existing domain names to initiate their fraudulent operations, making it essential to thoroughly investigate the website's credibility by other signs.

The domain name has been secured for more than a year in advance, which is a positive indicator. Typically, most website owners register their domain annually and renew it each year. However, businesses that commit to a longer-term registration (up to 10 years) demonstrate intentions to sustain their operations over time. On the contrary, many scammers often sell their website names within a few months once their fraudulent activities become widely recognized.

Lesimprimantes3d.fr Hosting and Technical Data


Time zone

Hosting contact:

2 rue Kellermann, 59100, Roubaix, FRANCE
About hosting

OVH SAS is a French cloud computing company that offers a range of services including web hosting, domain registration, and virtual private servers. The company was founded in 1999 by Octave Klaba and has since grown to become one of the largest hosting providers in Europe.

Lesimprimantes3d.fr WhoIs Details

Name Servres



Creation Date
Mar, 09 2013
Expiration Date
Mar, 09 2026

Lesimprimantes3d.fr trends

430 240-13 344

This chart displays the visitor traffic trends for Les Imprimantes 3D over the last month. It offers a clear view of lesimprimantes3d.fr's recent popularity, underscoring any notable fluctuations or trends in the number of visitors. This data is crucial for assessing the website's current online presence and user engagement.

lesimprimantes3d.fr Traffic trends

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